
标题: Mac高级粒子C4D插件 X-Particles 2.1 Build 08 Professional R14-R16 Mac [打印本页]

作者: 魁魁    时间: 2015-5-11 22:09
标题: Mac高级粒子C4D插件 X-Particles 2.1 Build 08 Professional R14-R16 Mac
(, 下载次数: 7)

如果使用Generator 的时候选择了Straight Clone 和 Draw Mode to Particles Only,然后点了play,插件就会崩溃,所以不要做这个
There is a buggy feature where when you use the Generator and select Straight Clone and Draw Mode to Particles Only and press play you WILL crash, so don’t do that

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